Computer Security - Terminologies

In this chapter, we will discuss about the different terminology used in Computer Security.

Unauthorized access − An unauthorized access is when someone gains access to a server, website, or other sensitive data using someone else's account details.

Hacker − Is a Person who tries and exploits a computer system for a reason which can be money, a social cause, fun etc.

Threat − Is an action or event that might compromise the security.

Vulnerability − It is a weakness, a design problem or implementation error in a system that can lead to an unexpected and undesirable event regarding security system.

Attack − Is an assault on the system security that is delivered by a person or a machine to a system. It violates security.

Antivirus or Antimalware − Is a software that operates on different OS which is used to prevent from malicious software.

Social Engineering
− Is a technique that a hacker uses to stole data by a person for different for purposes by psychological manipulation combined with social scenes.

Virus − It is a malicious software that installs on your computer without your consent for a bad purpose.

Firewall − It is a software or hardware which is used to filter network traffic based on rules

Basic Computer Security Checklist
There are some basic things that everyone of us in every operating system need to do

  1. Check if the user is password protected.Check if the operating system is being updated.
  2. Check if the antivirus or antimalware is installed and updated.
  3. Check for the unusual services running that consumes resources.
  4. Check if your monitor is using a screen saver.
  5. Check if the computer firewall is on or not.
  6. Check if you are doing backups regularly.
  7. Check if there are shares that are not useful.
  8. Check if your account has full rights or is restricted.
  9. Update other third party software’s.


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