What is Batch Programming?

Batch Programming :-
Batch file programming is nothing but a batch of DOS ( Disk Operating System ) commands, hence the name Batch programming . If you are into coding and know many languages you might have noticed that Operating System ( OS ) specific languages ( languages that work only on a particular operating system, eg: Visual Basic Scripting works only in Windows ) give you amazing control over the system. This is why Batch is so powerful, it gives you absolute control over DOS. Batch isn’t often used because it is OS specific, but it is fun and easy to learn. A well-conceived batch file is just the thing to automate the job you want to do.

Batch Files are stored with .bat extension.

To create a batch file follow the following steps..

1) Goto-> Notepad

2) Type Whatever you want ( the code you want to enter)

3) Goto-> Save as

4) Change the file type to all files and folder

5) name the file as anything you want with the extension .bat ,For eg…(“learnbatch.bat”)

Some   Commands & Description

1        VER

This batch command shows the version of MS-DOS you are using.

2        ASSOC

This is a batch command that associates an extension with a file type (FTYPE), displays existing associations, or deletes an association.

3        CD

This batch command helps in making changes to a different directory, or displays the current directory.

4        CLS

This batch command clears the screen.

5        COPY

This batch command is used for copying files from one location to the other.

6        DEL

This batch command deletes files and not directories.

7        DIR

This batch command lists the contents of a directory.

8        DATE

This batch command help to find the system date.

9        ECHO

This batch command displays messages, or turns command echoing on or off.

10        EXIT

This batch command exits the DOS console.

11        MD

This batch command creates a new directory in the current location.

12        MOVE

This batch command moves files or directories between directories.

13        PATH

This batch command displays or sets the path variable.

14        PAUSE

This batch command prompts the user and waits for a line of input to be entered.

15        PROMPT

This batch command can be used to change or reset the cmd.exe prompt.

16        RD

This batch command removes directories, but the directories need to be empty before they can be removed.

17        REN

Renames files and directories

18        REM

This batch command is used for remarks in batch files, preventing the content of the remark from being executed.

19        START

This batch command starts a program in new window, or opens a document.

20        TIME

This batch command sets or displays the time.

21        TYPE

This batch command prints the content of a file or files to the output.

22        VOL

This batch command displays the volume labels.

23        ATTRIB

Displays or sets the attributes of the files in the curret directory

24        CHKDSK

This batch command checks the disk for any problems.

25        CHOICE

This batch command provides a list of options to the user.

26        CMD

This batch command invokes another instance of command prompt.

27        COMP
This batch command compares 2 files based on the file size.

28        CONVERT

This batch command converts a volume from FAT16 or FAT32 file system to NTFS file system.


This batch command shows all installed device drivers and their properties.

30        EXPAND

This batch command extracts files from compressed .cab cabinet files.

31        FIND

This batch command searches for a string in files or input, outputting matching lines.

32        FORMAT

This batch command formats a disk to use Windows-supported file system such as FAT, FAT32 or NTFS, thereby overwriting the previous content of the disk.

33        HELP

This batch command shows the list of Windows-supplied commands.

34        IPCONFIG

This batch command displays Windows IP Configuration. Shows configuration by connection and the name of that connection.

35        LABEL

This batch command adds, sets or removes a disk label.

36        MORE

This batch command displays the contents of a file or files, one screen at a time.

37        NET

Provides various network services, depending on the command used.

38        PING

This batch command sends ICMP/IP "echo" packets over the network to the designated address.

39        SHUTDOWN

This batch command shuts down a computer, or logs off the current user.

40        SORT

This batch command takes the input from a source file and sorts its contents alphabetically, from A to Z or Z to A. It prints the output on the console.

41        SUBST

This batch command assigns a drive letter to a local folder, displays current assignments, or removes an assignment.

42        SYSTEMINFO
This batch command shows configuration of a computer and its operating system.

43        TASKKILL
This batch command ends one or more tasks.

44        TASKLIST
This batch command lists tasks, including task name and process id (PID).

45        XCOPY

This batch command copies files and directories in a more advanced way.

46        TREE

This batch command displays a tree of all subdirectories of the current directory to any level of recursion or depth.

47        FC

This batch command lists the actual differences between two files.

48        DISKPART

This batch command shows and configures the properties of disk partitions.

49        TITLE
This batch command sets the title displayed in the console window.


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